Pass the RF - part 3 - UPDATE
Yesterday, Huub sent the camera on its way and today already Csaba reports receiving the camera (at least the mailman left it at his neighbour's). :) Huub also posted his Pass the RF photos on his Flickr.
Of the photos Huub posted I like the following two.
Industar I-26m 52/2.8
film unknown; shutter time 1/100 sec; aperture: f8

Industar I-26m 52/2.8
film unknown; shutter time 1/200 sec; aperture: f8
The third Pass the RF is now really under way! :)
Late signing up?
BTW, after the sign-up was closed (and the camera already in the mail), a few more people asked to join. I'm sorry to say that that is impossible. I can't change the camera's itinerary without much trouble and effort. What I can do, though, is to send the FED-2 on a new Pass the RF once it has returned to me (in a year or so). So, if you want to reserve a spot on the next list, PM me on the rangefinderforum, send me an email or leave a comment to this post. The more the merrier, and also the more likely I'll send the FED-2 on its way again. :)
Technorati Tags : FED-2 rangefinder Shards of Photography