
Pass the RF - part 3 - UPDATE

Yesterday, Huub sent the camera on its way and today already Csaba reports receiving the camera (at least the mailman left it at his neighbour's). :) Huub also posted his Pass the RF photos on his Flickr.

Of the photos Huub posted I like the following two.

Surfacing submarine - (c) Huub Linthorst.
Industar I-26m 52/2.8
film unknown; shutter time 1/100 sec; aperture: f8

Polder- (c) Huub Linthorst.
Industar I-26m 52/2.8
film unknown; shutter time 1/200 sec; aperture: f8

The third Pass the RF is now really under way! :)

Late signing up?
BTW, after the sign-up was closed (and the camera already in the mail), a few more people asked to join. I'm sorry to say that that is impossible. I can't change the camera's itinerary without much trouble and effort. What I can do, though, is to send the FED-2 on a new Pass the RF once it has returned to me (in a year or so). So, if you want to reserve a spot on the next list, PM me on the rangefinderforum, send me an email or leave a comment to this post. The more the merrier, and also the more likely I'll send the FED-2 on its way again. :)

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Pass the RF - part 3 - UPDATE

The little FED-2 arrived safely in Leiden and is now on its way to Groningen. Huub seemed to have enjoyed the experience, judging from his post in the third Pass the RF project thread. :)

BTW, we still don't have a private gallery. Stephen, the new owner of RFF, isn't up to date with all the past and current projects on RFF (and who can blame him). I've explained to him the hows and whys of the project and I hope he'll set aside a private gallery for us one of these days. Fingers crossed! But if it doesn't work out, we can always create a gallery somewhere else.

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Pass the RF - part 3 - UPDATE

The third Pass the RF project is really under way since yesterday and already today the first recipient has taken possession of the camera! Huub is running film through the FED-2 as we speak. Soon Huub will send the camera on to Csab', and Csab' on to Nick. The camera could actually leave Holland before the end of the month! :)

In the meantime I've been scanning my roll of Lucky SHD400. I am as unfamiliar with the FED-2 as most of you, and I had to get used to guestimating shutter speeds and apertures. Not an easy task for someone who hardly has to do so with an R-D1. :) But I managed and I got a few nice results. And a few that were totally unexpected. Unexpected in a sense that they were nothing I had figured beforehand and at first sight a waste of film. On second sight, though, they seemed to speak to me in an unfamiliar but alluring voice. Siren's call? You can tell me after you've seen the scans. :)

All the photos below were taken with a FED-2 plus Industar-26m, on Lucky SHD400 iso400 B&W film. Shutter time and aperture are unknown. The film was developed in caffenol with the aid of my daughter. I stuck to the recipe I had used before, hoping that it would over-develop this iso400 film. Things worked out quite OK. The caffenol seems to give rather nice and small grain. The results look very smooth and scan rather well. The photos suffer a little from drying marks. I really should get some distilled water for the final rinse.

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Pass the RF - part 3 - UPDATE

I sent the camera on its way! I was just in time back home from work to get the box and rush off to the post office. The camera is now on its way to the first recipient, HuubL.

Huub, let us know in the third Pass the RF project thread when you receive the camera, and when you send it on again! :)

It's for real now, people! Let's enjoy it!

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Pass the RF - part 3 - UPDATE

Due to life's interfering with my best-laid plans (see my post of my day out with my daughter), I was unable to get the camera on its way today. The camera's departure may have been delayed but it's definitely not cancelled! Soon the camera will be travelling!

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