
Pass the RF - part 3 - UPDATE

It's February 28 and the itinerary for the third Pass the RF project is published (see link). After a a few stops in Holland, the camera will travel to Norway, Slovakia and Germany before embarking on a round trip through the UK. After jumping back over the Channel to France, the camera will see action in Spain and Italy. From Italy, the camera will travel halfway around the world to Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan. The final leg of the trip is Australia, after which the camera will return back home to me. :)

I'm guessing it'll take a year (deducing from the experience with the first Pass the RF project) before I see the camera back. In the camera's shipping box I'll put a small notebook. The participants can leave a message, anecdotes, scraps, etc. in this notebook. I think it'll be fun to read people's experiences with the camera. And of course there'll be the photos.

So, the list is ready. The camera is nearly so. I'll send it on its way today or tomorrow (providing life doesn't keep interfering with my plans).

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