
Pass the RF - part 3 - UPDATE

It's February 28 and the itinerary for the third Pass the RF project is published (see link). After a a few stops in Holland, the camera will travel to Norway, Slovakia and Germany before embarking on a round trip through the UK. After jumping back over the Channel to France, the camera will see action in Spain and Italy. From Italy, the camera will travel halfway around the world to Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan. The final leg of the trip is Australia, after which the camera will return back home to me. :)

I'm guessing it'll take a year (deducing from the experience with the first Pass the RF project) before I see the camera back. In the camera's shipping box I'll put a small notebook. The participants can leave a message, anecdotes, scraps, etc. in this notebook. I think it'll be fun to read people's experiences with the camera. And of course there'll be the photos.

So, the list is ready. The camera is nearly so. I'll send it on its way today or tomorrow (providing life doesn't keep interfering with my plans).

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Pass the RF - part 3 - UPDATE

All but one of the participants have provided me with their address details. I'm making the itinerary as we speak. :) I've also loaded the FED-2 with some Lucky iso400 B&W film and taken the first shots of this project. I've still got the start of the camera's trip planned for February 28, 2007.

It's almost time, people! The camera will soon seek its way across Eurasia to Australia and (hopefully) back to me in a year's time. :)

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Pass the RF - part 3 - UPDATE

The signup is closed for the third Pass the RF project. In the last minute one more participant joined but another had to get out. Nico, welcome! Jonas, sorry you can't participate.

So, the list is 23 strong. I'm waiting for the address details of 2 or 3 participants. As soon as I receive those, I can finalise the camera's itinerary. Then I can also set a departure date.

All in all, the project is now really in the final preparational stages.

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Pass the RF - part 3 - FINAL NOTICE

In only a few hours the sign-up for the third Pass the RF project closes. You have until midnight tonight (GMT)!

I'll draw up the final list tomorrow, prepare the itinerary for the camera, and inform every participant.

If you are a participant and you haven't PM'd me your address details, please do so as soon as possible.

And if you didn't know it already, the votes decided on the FED-2 for this project.

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Pass the RF - part 3 - UPDATE

It's almost closing time! If you are a member of RFF and you're not from the Americas, you can still sign up until midnight February 18 (GMT).

There are now 23 participants. Many are from the UK, Holland and Australia. We have some from SE Asia and the rest of Europe. But we still could use some people from Russia, Central Asia and, especially, Africa. There's not a single participant from that continent.

Don't be shy. It's a fun project to be part of. There's little pressure, except for sending on the camera in a reasonable time. And it's simply a cool notion that a single camera passed through so many different hands and lands, and to see the photos taken by those hands in those lands. :)

So, come on and join the third Pass the RF!

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Pass the RF - part 3 - UPDATE

The poll I held made it pretty clear. Instead of the neat little Canon Canonet 28 (for which I can't get any batteries anymore), the participants voted to have the FED-2 take the ride. This one:

I hope you guys know what you're in for. :) I'm just thinking what kind of film I'll slam into it. I still have some Lucky SHD400 B&W film. I think that would do well with the Industar-26M lens. Or maybe I'll just take the easy way out and get me some C41 B&W film and have it developed at my local mini lab. Scanning the negatives will take enough time as it is, and I'm not that good at developing film anyway. :)

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Pass the RF - part 3 - UPDATE

Twenty rangefinderforum members have so far signed up for the third Pass the RF project.

UPDATE 14:10: we now have 21 particpants

I've set the closing date to midnight 18 Februari (GMT). Until then, you can still sign up. This third "Pass the RF" project is open to rangefinderforum members from Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania. Don't worry, the Americans haven't been excluded because we don't like them. :) They've been excluded because there's already a "Pass the RF" project with mostly Americans on the list. This third project is to offer a chance to non-Americans to do such a project. You Americans are too quick on the draw for us! :)

So, the sign-up closes midnight 18 February (GMT). In the meantime, the participants are sending me their addresses. I'll prepare the camera's itinerary from that information and I'll try to have to camera take flight before the end of February.

Oddly enough, this third project might be finished even before the very first "Pass the RF" is! That one is still in California, still has 26 participants to go, still has to go to the frozen north of Canada! :)

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Pass the RF - part 3

Almost two years ago, the first "Pass the rangefinder" project started on rangefinderforum. In short, a camera is send all over the world, from one member to another, until it gets back to its owner. The photos are posted in a dedicated "Pass the rangefinder" gallery. The camera hasn't arrived back at its owner yet. There are still some 25 participants to go, which might take another year. :)

Over the past couple of years, many people have asked to join the original "Pass" while it was already underway. A day ago, RFF member Gabriel M.A. started a second "Pass the rangefinder" project. That one was limited to 30 participants. All the seats were taking in a flash. The moment of posting was awkward for most RFF members not in the Americas and the final list is mostly populated with our friends from the USA.

Bad luck for everyone else. And reason for me to start a third "Pass the rangefinder" project. This one is open to those RFF members not from the Americas. This will give members from Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia and Oceania a chance to participate in this fun, worldwide project.

So, if you feel like taking part, and if you are a member of RFF, why not join up? Just post you're "I'm in" in the thread. :)

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