
Pass the RF - part 3 - UPDATE

Nick not only kindly created the Flickr account but he also uploaded his photos there. I'll show you my favourites among those.

Meeuwerderweg, Groningen, 2007 - (c) Nick Meertens.
Industar I-26m 52/2.8

Oosterhaven, Groningen, 2007 - (c) Nick Meertens.
Industar I-26m 52/2.8

Oosterhaven, Groningen, 2007 - (c) Nick Meertens.
Industar I-26m 52/2.8

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Pass the RF - part 3 - Flickr account

There's now a Flickr account available for the participants of the third Pass the RF project. Go to Flickr and look up account passtherangefinder3, or just follow this link:

I'll inform every participant of the login ID and password, so everyone can upload his or her photos for this project. I'll keep an eye on the photos there and I'll be posting my favourites here on the "Pass the RF - part 3" blog.

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Pass the RF - part 3 - UPDATE

Yesterday, Phillip received the travelling FED-2 in Germany. Nick had sent it by priority mail and the Dutch Mail came through. :) The FED-2 has now crossed borders for the first time. And soon it'll cross even more borders to end up in Uzbekistan, where Phillip is taking it.

Because the box is too big to go in his luggage, Phillip kindly took some photos of the box. Why? When I was preparing the FED-2 to go travelling, I prepared a box for it as a little home. Of course, I still had to shoot the FED-2 myself, so I put the box to the side. When it was time to send the FED-2 on its way, I found the box missing! A box missing? Where did it go? Nowhere to be found, I finally asked my daughter (who's 9 by now and much bigger than the last time, Csab' :) ) if she knew the whereabouts of the box. She did, amazingly. She had used it as a bed or so for her Barbie dolls and toy bears. She had draw images on the in side of the box. I was a bit in a hurry, so I ended up sending the decorated and soon-to-be-abandoned box.

So, for posterity's sake, here are the final photos of the box and the drawings. :)

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Pass the RF - part 3 - photo blog

Instead of waiting for a special gallery becoming available on RFF, I created the "Pass the RF - part 3" blog. You've come to it. :) I hope to be able to post photos from all participants here.

The travelling FED-2 is accompanied by a log book. I hope each and every participant will write something in the log. When (if?) the FED-2 ever comes back to me, I'll copy the contents of the log here on the blog. Of course, everyone can leave comments here on the blog in addition to the log. :)

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